This is quite an academic, yet accessible, book about one of the most influential bands, Kraftwerk. It examines their work,…
‘Last Christmas’ by Wham! is the Christmas number 1 single this year, as it was last year. The seasonal battle…
Are you swayed by Suede? Do you think Elastica are fantastica? Have you got a passion for Pulp? Then “roll…
No wonder that Cher’s life won’t fit in one volume. I enjoyed the memoir and look forward to the next!…
‘Help!’ How do you choose a Beatles piano book? If you are a confident player, not a beginner, this fab…
I could not put this book down. I’m having that problem of ‘how to review famous people’s memoirs of trauma’…
Wild rock ‘n’ roll stories… are not in this book. With the famously clean-cut reputation of the author, this is…
A marvellous collection of rock and pop music obituaries from talented writers for The Times. It’s almost a comprehensive resource…
The follow-up to Dreamers Are Waiting is, on first listen, even less memorable, except for the song ‘Oh Hi’, which…
There are no rock stars any more. According to David Hepworth, the age of the rock stars has long been…