Are you swayed by Suede? Do you think Elastica are fantastica? Have you got a passion for Pulp? Then “roll…
A true story of shipwreck, mutiny, murder, scurvy, battles, terrible storms, and more. As with David Grann’s other books Killers…
A shocking true crime narrative from the author of The Lost City of Z. This award-winning book dives deep into…
A marvellous collection of rock and pop music obituaries from talented writers for The Times. It’s almost a comprehensive resource…
The least rubbish book about rubbish you will ever read! Seriously, it will change your view of the world. Maybe…
A fun read for fans of ‘Next Top Model’ and those cruel but entertaining makeover shows of the early 2000s.…
There are no rock stars any more. According to David Hepworth, the age of the rock stars has long been…
An amusing and interesting read from a popular YouTuber who started his Japanese adventures as an English teacher. The book…
The shocking and tragic account of the NHS infected blood scandal, which was published in 2023 by Headline before the…
This book was as variable as British holiday weather. It’s part social history, part rambling memoir about how British people…