Adapted from the classic H P Lovecraft story, this film is suitably weird and is in some ways similar to…
This science fiction novel won the Booker Prize! Some people say it’s not SF but in my opinion a book…
A charmingly original sci-fi comedy set on a Scottish island, this novel is quite slow-paced (like island life!) and takes…
Entertaining in a b-movie horror kind of way, although not as lurid as the movie poster suggests, this is a…
An action-packed and entertainingly silly movie based on a long short story ‘The Minority Report’ by Philip K Dick which…
This classic sci-fi horror story was first published in Amazing Stories magazine, 1927. I’ve read it a few times now…
I re-read this series every few years and always enjoy it! Although I never heard the radio series on which…
Doomsday cults, the rapture, asteroid impact, zombie apocalypse, nuclear winter, robot uprising, plague and more! This unusual book takes a…
John Wyndham’s science fiction classic was first published in 1951 and is strikingly prescient, with themes still relevant today. I’m…
As movies about robots go, this one is very gentle. Maybe that’s why it was a box office disaster. It’s…