This classic sci-fi horror story was first published in Amazing Stories magazine, 1927. I’ve read it a few times now…
The air was golden and treacherous. Salli paused at the top of a hill to catch her breath and admire…
You can’t go wrong with a Daphne du Maurier story collection. There will be twists, suspense, mystery, atmosphere… and people…
Spooky literary genes run in the families chosen for this book. I loved the concept, which is quite different from…
Fans of macabre fiction will enjoy this collection from one of the best short story writers, Ray Bradbury. I prefer…
A marvellous short story about mothers and daughters. It’s only a half-hour read but well worth it! A woman looks…
A re-read of Daphne du Maurier’s short stories is always a great experience. This collection of six stories are marvellous…
I’m delighted – or terrified! – to announce that my new short story collection, Hall of Hauntings, is available to…
Be very afraid! My new short story collection, Hall of Hauntings, is now available to pre-order! (UK link / US…
An ideal fiction read for art history lovers, The Vanitas is an intriguing collection of short stories by Jake Kendall…