A gripping dystopian thriller which has everything you could want from the genre: plausible future, well-researched details, a brisk pace,…
A gripping dystopian sci-fi novel with a shamanism / new age element, Icebreaker is the first in the Interloper trilogy.…
The exciting, sophisticated sequel to The Stranded sees the characters’ loyalties and motives tested as the action moves beyond the…
A gripping, gritty YA dystopian thriller with the unusual setting of a cruise ship. I really enjoyed this read, although…
We are the robots! We’ll write your next bestseller. Feed us your favourite novels, we’ll pen one even better. We…
My first collection of short stories has been out in the world for a month now. I have had lots…
A sophisticated dystopian / conspiracy thriller which was horribly plausible. Some of it is set only a decade in the…
“Things did not vanish. They were cleansed away.” Five spine-chillingly plausible tales for our times. In a society without books,…
Lois Lowry’s 1993 award-winning YA novel is a dystopian story which, like all scarily plausible dystopias with vitally important messages,…
An unusual dystopian novel from the author of Rosemary’s Baby. I would describe it as the child of Brave New…