Review of ‘The Canyons Of Rob Gotobed’s Overactive Mind’ by Rob Gotobed

Do you like to laugh? Are you a fan of Monty Python-style humour? Then have a chuckle at this compendium of jokes, photos and sketches by comedian Rob Gotobed. He contacted me on Twitter and suggested I might like to read his book. I knew nothing about him but agreed to give it a try. Now, having read the book, I’m not sure whether I still know nothing about him… or whether I know too much! It’s a somewhat eccentric read – what else would you expect from a man whose favourite colour is ‘soup’ and who has invented questionably useful items such as human spontaneous combustion-proof underpants? – so it’s ideal if you normally read serious books and want a break to read something silly.

Comedian Rob Gotobed leaning his chin on his hands below some clouds.

There is rather a lot about Cricklewood, the area of north London where Rob is from. I haven’t been there, so for all I know, the delightful things he says about the area may be true. Although, I don’t think it likely that there are camel-riding schools and that the speciality food is cockroach pasty.

Independently published in 2022.

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