Review of ‘Real Christmas Ghost Stories’ by Tina Vantyler

The 5th volume in the ‘True Tales of the Supernatural’ series is a spooky selection of 12 allegedly true stories relating in some way to Christmas. It was another quick, compelling, spine-chilling read, although not as frightening as the one about haunted toys. A very good variety of situations were represented, from spirits that warn or comfort people, to reenactments of murders, poltergeists and out of body experiences. I usually read a book of fictional ghost stories in the festive season, so it was a change to read some that are real, as told to the author. This is a short review, as there is not much else I can say about these, other than that this is an ideal read if you want a seasonal book with more of an edge than traditional ghost stories.

Real Christmas Ghost Stories, showing ghost child next to Christmas tree.

Independently published in 2023.

3 thoughts on “Review of ‘Real Christmas Ghost Stories’ by Tina Vantyler”

    1. Thanks! Would recommend if you want to be scared! Hope you have a good (not spooky) Xmas and New Year.

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