Review of ‘The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands’ by Sarah Brooks

What a marvellous and unusual read this was. An eco-historical-fantasy novel which is set at the end of the 19th century epic train journey across the perilous Wastelands on the Trans-Siberian Express from Beijing to Moscow. The Wastelands are a vast area of growth and mutations which are considered dangerous, but maybe there is more danger from the controllers of the train company…

Book cover shows steam train on rails coming towards us with border of leaves.

The novel expertly creates a sense of dread, wonder and building tension as we follow several characters on the train. The main character is Weiwei, a girl who was adopted by the train crew and whose discovery of a stowaway presages the strange events to come. Other characters include Henry Grey, a scientist and collector who is desperate to study the Wastelands, and Marya, who is investigating a mystery connected with her late father. There are a variety of nationalities on board, with Chinese and Russian predominating as the train connects the two Empires. The historical and geographical details of the alternative Victorian era were well thought-out and seemed very real. This is Sarah Brooks’ debut novel. I am wary of trying authors I haven’t read before as the writing style is very important to my enjoyment of the book. I liked the style and although there was over-use of some descriptions (people are always freezing and then moving in quick succession!) I was impressed and would read more of her work.

Thank you to the publisher Orion for the advance copy via NetGalley. The book will be published on 20th June.

2 thoughts on “Review of ‘The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands’ by Sarah Brooks”

    1. Thanks! It’s one of the best new books I’ve read this year. I liked the unusual mix of genres. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the book!

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