Medical memoirs – some recommendations

Medical memoirs have become very popular in recent years, perhaps encouraged by Adam Kay’s This Is Going to Hurt (which I do recommend, although I read it before I started writing reviews). As with all my reading, the writing style is important to me. The medical memoirs I have enjoyed the most are accessible but not patronising, without gratuitous gory details and which include something of the author’s personal journey. Here are some I recommend:

Critical by Matt Morgan has a focus on intensive care; I described the book as ‘an unforgettable, compassionate and informative read’.

Hard Pushed by Leah Hazard is an account of NHS midwifery and is ‘shocking, amusing and sad’.

Unnatural Causes and The Seven Ages of Death by Richard Shepherd are fascinating explorations of a career in forensic pathology.

Handle with Care by Rachel Hearson is an interesting read about the challenges of being a health visitor.

The Prison Doctor by Amanda Brown is an eye-opening perspective on prison health services.

The Courage to Care by Christie Watson is ‘a very moving, incredible and thoughtful book on nursing’.

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